Gender equality: Empower or have power?
The Goalkeepers report is a great way for me to dig deeper into where we have reached on the SDGs, what gaps exist and where and what we can do better to bridge them.
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreThe Goalkeepers report is a great way for me to dig deeper into where we have reached on the SDGs, what gaps exist and where and what we can do better to bridge them.
It is undeniable that we are living in the age of data. I believe we need an intersectional feminist lens to think about and design for empowering communities to see, sense and solve the problems they face.
While data has been driving decision-making in businesses and governments for a long time now, in the social sector too, entrepreneurs are increasingly using data to see and sense what is happening on-ground and using the findings to design better programmes, bring efficiency and measure impact better. However, where do citizens stand in this data narrative? Are they just passive recipients of someone else’s enhanced decision-making?
What an amazing feeling it was to share, bond and celebrate with such an inspiring bunch of change leaders. All of us worry about wicked social problems and spend all our time thinking about what would solve them. At the Meetup, it became clear we are all tied together by the same thread – our quest to induce exponential change, together.
Part of the Independent Task Force on Creative Climate Action, Rohini Nilekani shares insights and urges us all to think of ways to induce exponential climate action.
“In our conversations I realised how complementary ECHO and Platform Commons are to each other.
We both bring completely different skill sets and completely different operating models. We are pooling these together, and collectively creating brand new value which neither of us could do just by ourselves.”
The Societal Model reflects the ingredients of successful social movements: restoring the agency of people, bringing diverse co-creators together and weaving vibrant networks around a shared vision.
Which simple, convenient and universal changes must we induce such that the current undesirable equilibrium transforms to a more desirable steady state? How can we use our newfound technological capabilities to make such transformations scalable and viable? How can we find ways to nurture an ecosystem of innovators who can help people embrace this change?
We opened the discussion on how to catalyse societal impact at scale. A steep hike started with talking about scale.
Zero is a foundational building block. It represents the lack of anything and is the starting point from which all things can be created.