
Societal Thinking has found a home in the Centre for Exponential Change

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It is the era of exponential change. Now more than ever before, we have the technology and resources to do more, faster. To solve beyond point solutions and induce disruptive change in a way that enables actors across society to create big and rapid changes. 

One way in which this reimagination of solving social problems exponentially has come alive is as the Centre for Exponential Change (C4EC). C4EC is a global action network that rekindles the imagination of and enables System Orchestrators to catalyse exponential change towards building a better society with speed, at scale, and sustainably. 

For the last 8 years at Societal Thinking, this way of thinking and solving is what we have been exploring with change leaders across the globe. 

Now, in our journey to enable exponential change, together, we have found a home in C4EC, as an exChange Practice. Share on X

We care deeply about making reality a world where everyone enjoys agency, dignity and choice. A world where communities have the power to solve the problems closest to them and systems have the agility to keep becoming more efficient. A world where our response to social problems outpaces the ways in which they currently manifest and are emerging. 

The Centre for Exponential Change is a space for us to work towards these and the many other possibilities of exponential change with leaders from around the world. We’re so excited to reimagine and realise change that inspires more and rapid changes with C4EC!

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