Societal Thinking Code of Sharing

Societal Thinking is an approach to reimagine and realise exponential social change. Social  change becomes exponential when it induces a domino effect of more and  rapid changes towards building a better society. This systemic approach  was developed through many “Do-Think-Do” cycles with change leaders  across the globe. The “Do” cycles involved co-exploring, designing and  building missions that create impact at population scale and the “Think”  cycles helped distil the learning into a set of core values, design principles  and frameworks that are open for everyone to use and build upon. Societal Thinking is a member of the Centre for Exponential Change (C4EC Foundation). 

C4EC Foundation is a not-for-profit company with a mission to create a global action hub that rekindles the imagination and enables System Orchestrators to catalyse exponential change.

License: All knowledge produced by Societal Thinking is philanthropically funded to be a free public good and is being shared openly and made available as per the Creative Commons, CC BY SA 4.0 International License. Leaders across various walks of life are encouraged to use this body of knowledge for their work while adhering to the requirements of this license, in the following ways:

  1. You may copy, distribute, display copies of the materials, in any medium or format, for any purpose (including commercially).
  2. You may adapt the materials i.e. remix, transform, and build upon the materials.
  3. You must give appropriate credit and attribution, provide a link to the license and the copyright notice.
  4. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that could legally restrict other users from any action that the license permits.
  5. You may use materials in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the Foundation or any of its founders and representatives endorse you or your use

Attribution: When Societal Thinking is mentioned or expressed in various artefacts such as papers, publications, inserts in respective collaterals, blogs, presentations, proposals, websites, videos, talks, comments, speeches and any other form of expression not specifically mentioned here proper attribution must be provided.

If Societal Thinking is mentioned in documents (digital and / or print) in any form whatsoever including but not limited to text, presentation, brochures, banners, other digital, printable items, it could say, “Societal Thinking, CC BY SA 4.0 International License, C4EC Foundation, Copyright © 2024 C4EC Foundation”.

In case there is a need to insert the logo or any other visual, it may be done as per the Societal Thinking brand guidelines, which can be accessed by contacting us at

Furthermore, in case Societal Thinking is mentioned in video files or audio files such as podcasts, webinars or other forms, you may add text or create a Creative Commons audio file to orally tell the user of the license and attribution. Use of this open knowledge doesn’t not qualify you to be a member of C4EC foundation or a partner of Societal Thinking. If you wish to explore more formal relationship, please write to us. 

1 C4EC Foundation has no commercial interest in developing and sharing this body of knowledge and is making the same available as a free public good. This body of knowledge (Societal Thinking) is being co-created with a rapidly expanding network of global thinkers, leaders and practitioners from across multiple sectors and walks of life.