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Find your exponential

Societal Thinking is a way to reimagine and realise exponential change – change that inspires more and rapid change. 

Reimagine solving at scale, with speed, sustainably

We are in the era of possibility. While we are faced with social problems that grow exponentially, we are also moving beyond solving them incrementally. Now is the time to reimagine how we tackle existing problems and plan for emerging uncertainties.

We believe inducing one small change that creates a domino effect of regenerative change can enable solving at scale, with speed and sustainably.


What we do

Societal Thinking can help create change that triggers a domino effect of bigger and better change.


Open and abundant knowledge helps change leaders understand challenges to solving at societal scale and build better, faster. Societal Thinking curates knowledge under CCBY SA 4.0 license. It is freely available to use, remix and build upon.


The journey towards impact@scale is often difficult and lonely. We co-travel with change leaders working in 5 domains and 5 geographies to learn, reimagine and design what works at scale. 


Change leaders need a community of thinkers, funders, mentors and other change leaders for expertise, support and co-creation while working towards impact@scale. Our Mentor Network isthis community. 








“Societal Thinking presents an opportunity to change the way we tackle social problems – to design for more inclusion, more access, more co-creation and more resilience.”

Rohini Nilekani
Chairperson of Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies

“Societal Platforms are audacious endeavours that converge the power of networks, open innovation and shared digital infrastructure to give voice and agency to every individual.”

Nandan Nilekani
Co-founder, Infosys

“Thoughtfully developed digital public infrastructure, imagined as Societal Platforms, can form the backbone for an inclusive, resilient and thriving society.”

CV Madhukar
CEO, Co-Develop Fund

“In Societal Thinking, we have the three principal ingredients of success: scale, diversity and the ability to solve that isn’t dependent on an individual or a small group of people.”

Santosh Mathew
Country Lead, Public Policy and Finance, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

“Co-Impact is delighted to be working deeply with the Societal Thinking team in our effort to solve societal challenges at scale.”

Olivia Leland
Founder, Co-Impact