What if we could solve social problems at scale, with speed and sustainably?

What if we could solve just one problem to transform the status-quo?

What if we could enable actors in the ecosystem to create change that triggers a series of bigger changes?

With Societal Thinking, we can shift the equilibrium to an irreversible better state. The Societal Model, design principles and Core Values can help us reimagine and design for exponential change.

Societal Scalers

Impact@Societal scale

The journey to impact@scale has many chasms – from finding the right co-travellers and networks, to securing resources to pull off a solution for scale.

In this year long programme, we address these challenges alongside change leaders. Through this programme, members master the ability to induce network effects, inspire ecosystems of diverse solvers and build infrastructure.

5 countries





South Africa

5 domains






Fostering system orchestration
towards impact@scale

System orchestrators think big and patiently build and sustain the momentum of impact@scale. Even so, bringing people together towards a shared vision is an ongoing, often difficult task.

Leader’s Lab by Societal Thinking opens a space for such leaders to find community. Here, they can come together, experiment, develop a universal consciousness, co-create and build the field of exponential change. 

The first cohort of Leader’s Lab gathered in 2023.
Here’s a glimpse into their experience.