Six years ago, we started on the journey of figuring out “What works at scale”, anticipating we would help build Societal Platforms that induce impact at scale. Along the way, we found other manifestations of our way of thinking: that restored Agency and enhanced Dignity and Choice. Today, what we have is a way to think about inducing exponential change, a set of values and design principles to put this thinking into practice and a diverse variety of assets to leverage and build upon. Societal Thinking can be used to reframe problems, define better policies, build co-creation spaces, orchestrate vibrant networks, restore agency in communities and yes, also to build Societal Platforms.
We think of Societal Thinking as a river of ideas, flowing alongside explorers as they take pathways they have never been on before. From now on, our website, social media handles, email addresses all carry our new branding. We are still curators of open knowledge and encourage its remixing and reuse. Our Code of Sharing is here and you can reach out to us for any information/brand collaterals.