Micro is the new Mega
In the last couple of decades, India has gone through many transformative changes. From the dial-tone internet connection (remember this dial tone!) to silent hi-speed internet…
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreIn the last couple of decades, India has gone through many transformative changes. From the dial-tone internet connection (remember this dial tone!) to silent hi-speed internet…
How can the ecosystem help strengthen the design & deployment of AI systems to reduce the impact on marginalised communities? Read more.
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
“The problem is massive, but massive projects will fail.” – Don Norman, Design for a Better World Something unbelievable happened recently. I met Don Norman. If…
Read how DPIs can accelerate progress toward societal good and how safe and inclusive systems can be reimagined and designed.
Read how the idea that “everyone changes at their own pace” is a recurring theme that speaks to the heart of societal transformation.
Here are 3 ingredients to solve the one problem to shift the paradigm from where it will be inefficient to go back so that change sustains.
There are both positive and negative unintended consequences of actions. Is it possible to plan for them?
Societal Platforms aren’t (just) about tech, they’re about connecting people. Specifically about connecting networks of people. Find out more.
Journey to Impact at scale is not a simple path, it is a journey full of chasms for social entrepreneurs. Societal Thinking is taking some steps to support entrepreneurs through the chasms, but It will take a village to do so effectively.