Safe drinking water for everyone – INREM Foundation’s journey to scale
Read INREM Foundation’s journey of solving the problem of contaminated water to ensure safe and clean drinking water for everyone in India.
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreRead INREM Foundation’s journey of solving the problem of contaminated water to ensure safe and clean drinking water for everyone in India.
At the heart of the ECHO model is a learning framework that they call “all teach, all learn.” It connects providers in underserved communities (“spokes”) with teams of specialists and experts at regional, national, and global centres (the “hub”).
Impact at scale is a collective effort, and at Arghyam, the vision to ensure “safe, sustainable water for all” is achieved with partners, networks, and most importantly, by empowering those closest to the problem to come up with solutions that serve them best.