Gender equality: Empower or have power?
The Goalkeepers report is a great way for me to dig deeper into where we have reached on the SDGs, what gaps exist and where and what we can do better to bridge them.
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreThe Goalkeepers report is a great way for me to dig deeper into where we have reached on the SDGs, what gaps exist and where and what we can do better to bridge them.
Zero is a foundational building block. It represents the lack of anything and is the starting point from which all things can be created.
To induce exponential impact, Reap Benefit had to unlock scale and speed in distributing the ability to solve among young people. Instead of scaling what works, they had to figure out what works at scale.
How lego-like building blocks (i.e. Societal Exponents) helped to build faster, respond faster to the demands of the pandemic.