Our year of exponential, wrapped
Looking back, 2024 was a year of metamorphosis for us, a year of exponential – celebrations, milestones and more.
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreLooking back, 2024 was a year of metamorphosis for us, a year of exponential – celebrations, milestones and more.
There are both positive and negative unintended consequences of actions. Is it possible to plan for them?
Journey to Impact at scale is not a simple path, it is a journey full of chasms for social entrepreneurs. Societal Thinking is taking some steps to support entrepreneurs through the chasms, but It will take a village to do so effectively.
We are working with FIDE Foundation under mentorship from Societal Thinking to co-create digital public infrastructure around welfare to enable discovery and distribution of welfare solutions at scale across different access points.
Read how the G20’s focus on Women-led development has taken the entire gender equity dialogue a notch higher > From women being beneficiary to being active change agents.
Read how Societal Thinking Core Values can be a good guide to think, design & build the right way on the pathway to exponential change and creating impact @ population scale.
Explore the power of network exponents & see how REVIVE Alliance leveraged Avanti Finance’s network to reach microentrepreneurs in need.
Gender gap in labour markets is bound to increase tomorrow if we don’t work on the gaps today.
To counter rapidly growing and mutating problems, the speed of execution, building solutions, getting solutions to citizens & responding to challenges as they emerge all influence the speed of solving the problem. And to do so, we need to move from a linear change mindset to an exponential change pathway.
Here’s a sneak peek into what went down when Societal Thinking’s Priya Ajmera and Sanjay Purohit held conversations around AI in the development sector at the Skoll World Forum.