
Reimagining early diagnosis for women in rural India through High-performing Primary Healthcare Systems

Table of Contents

As we take stock of where we are with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals and renew our commitment to achieving them, we realise we have a long way to go. It is time to induce change that induces more and rapid change.

In this spirit, keeping SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing in mind, we, with Project ECHO and Sattva, brought together various civil society organisations and government institutions to reimagine diagnosis for women in rural parts of India, with an exponential change lens.

The core question we deliberated was: What are key systemic issues that, if solved, will have a cascading effect on the ability of the ecosystem to solve better and make other problems easier to solve/irrelevant?

In an insightful exploration, a few critical points that could pave the way for transformative change emerged:

1) Holistic approach to health: Recognising the need for an intersectional approach to women’s health to expand the definition of health beyond reproductive care and the lack of disease to overall wellbeing.

2) Community trust and opportunity costs: Restoring trust in primary healthcare systems and alleviating the substantial opportunity costs (borne disproportionately by women) while seeking care.

3) Gender-specific provisioning: Addressing gender-based barriers such as cultural norms as well as better supporting primary healthcare workers to provide care.

4) Integrated data systems: Overcoming fragmented data by creating interoperable data systems.

Read the full report below.

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About the Author

Dr. Sunil Anand

Executive Director of ECHO in India. (Ujjwal)

Granthika Chatterjee

Lakshmi Sethuraman

Mangalam Gupta