Paradise for young change leaders: UNLEASH
Serendipity! That’s what I would call the opportunity I got to join and contribute to UNLEASH 2022, hosted in the beautiful city of Mysore, India. At…
Our collection of stories and ideas on how change
leaders are reimagining and co-creating change
that inspires more change
We are a community of curators, catalysts, co-travellers and network weavers on a quest to enable Impact @ Scale.
Read MoreSerendipity! That’s what I would call the opportunity I got to join and contribute to UNLEASH 2022, hosted in the beautiful city of Mysore, India. At…
We had about 170+ participants tell us they would join us on Zoom! As challenging as it was, it made us more attentive and rigorous. How could we do the best for people joining us in person and on Zoom? How could we make the hybrid model work seamlessly for all?
What an amazing feeling it was to share, bond and celebrate with such an inspiring bunch of change leaders. All of us worry about wicked social problems and spend all our time thinking about what would solve them. At the Meetup, it became clear we are all tied together by the same thread – our quest to induce exponential change, together.